Factory manufactures elements made of polyester laminate and thermoformed plastics. The core production are hardtop for pickup trucks.
Employment remains at the level of 180 employees, and annual production efficiency excluding orders for external partners is over 12,000 hardtops working in a one-shift system.
Factory is divided into four main departments, each with a separate quality control:
Production process of Road Ranger hardtops

Lamination department
Rather than manual lamination, the Resin Transfer Molding (RTM) light technology, i.e. vacuum moulding, is increasingly used in production.

Surface treatment department
Window openings and the edges of hardtops are subject to machine treatment, which is carried out with CNC 5D machines – it is the first phase of treatment. After the angle sections and hinge reinforcements are glued in, the hardtop shell is prepared for priming. The primer is applied. When soaked, it is treated and prepared for painting.

Painting department
Hardtops are painted in the body colour. Both the primer and the paint are dosed by automated applicators, which perform a continuous analysis of the mixture. The system is computer controlled.

Assembly and packaging department
Hardtops are seated on the racks whose dimensions are exactly the same as those of the truck beds of pickups of particular brands and all the hardtop components are installed in accordance with order specifications, including, but not limited to, the interior equipment, working lights, rails, as well as windows, doors and flaps, which are assembled in the dedicated sub-workshop. At the last stage of production, hardtops are protected and packaged in accordance with the guidelines so that the product reaches the customer in pristine condition. From here, the hardtops which are ready for shipment arrive at the warehouse where they wait for loading for a maximum of 48h.

Quality Control
In each workshop, the controllers check the quality of the works performed and only after their acceptance are semi-products transferred to the next production workshop. Before the final packaging, the quality department tests all mechanical and electronic components and inspects the finished product visually. After inspection, the product is photographed and released for packaging.
Let's meet on the road.